Deep water Iridescent Glassy Sponges on Gorgonian stems, with Red Rope Sponges.
Behind is a drooping Gorgonian.
South Coast, Grand Cayman Island - Depth 100 feet or 30
* This was one of the most beautiful
underwater scenes we encountered on the walls off South Coast, Grand Cayman
Island. The most noticeable sponge is the Deep Water Iridescent
Sponge (Callyspongia plicifera), here exhibiting the pale color
we have begun to associate with the deeper South Coast. Red Rope
Sponges (Haliclona rubiginosa) are visible, and in the background
is a drooping Gorgonian we have been unable to identify. The
sponge group appears to be attached to an old gorgonian stem encrusted
with Fire Coral, this latter probably (Millepora alcicornis). South Coast, Grand Cayman Island - Depth 100 feet or 30 meters |