Marine Sponges II - Caribbean Underwater Gallery VI Last Image

The Caribbean Pink Vase sponge (Dasychalina cyathina) here little resembles a vase.  In a few places in Jackson Bay, the predominate flow of the current gives rise to this "open" form.

Jackson Bay, Little Cayman Island - Depth 90 feet or 27 meters

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Marine Sponges II

Caribbean Underwater Gallery VI

*  The Caribbean Pink Vase sponge (Dasychalina cyathina) here little resembles a vase (1).  In a few places in Jackson Bay, the predominate flow of the current gives rise to this "open" form.

In the upper right quadrant are Brown Tube Sponges (Agelus sp,) a glimpse of a Red Cup Sponge (Mycale sp.,) and  light tan branches of the deep-reef Fire Coral (Millepora alcicornis.)

Jackson Bay, Little Cayman Island - Depth 90 feet or 27 meters

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