The color of a Red Cup Sponge (Mycale sp.,) stands out in a habitat well supplied with interesting marine invertebrates.
  Jackson Bay, Little Cayman Island  - Depth 100 feet or 30 meters

Marine Sponges II - Caribbean Underwater Gallery VI

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Marine Sponges II

Caribbean Underwater Gallery VI

 *  The intense color of the Red Cup Sponge (Mycale sp.) dominates this marine environment.  In the mouth of the sponge are the arms of a Black Brittlestar (Ophiothrix sp.)  Beginning at the upper left corner is a Brown Club Sponge, possibly (Agelus screptrum.)  In the upper right quadrant are Orange Encrusting Sponges, and fronds of the Brown Algae (Lobophora variegata,) here a light greenish color.  In the lower right quadrant appears a reef-building coral, (Agaricia sp..)

 Jackson Bay, Little Cayman Island  - Depth 100 feet or 30 meters

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