Ramblin' Cameras

Desert Photography Gallery IV

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Blooms of White Thorn Acacia, Baylor Pass Road, Organ Mountains, New Mexico

Mesquite blooms, Dripping Springs, Organ Mountains, New Mexico

Mormon Tea in bloom with Lady Bug, Organ Mountains, New Mexico

A beautiful and commonly overlooked flowering tree, the Desert Willow. - Baylor Pass road, Organ Mountains.

Group of Mexican Goldpoppies, western Organ Mts. foothills, New Mexico

Blossoms of Long Thorned Prickly Pear, Organ Mountains., New Mexico

Blossoms of the endangered cactus Copypantha scheeri, Organ Mountains, New Mexico

Detail of flower of New Mexico Barrel Cactus, Organ Mountains, New Mexico

Detail of flower of New Mexico Barrel Cactus, Organ Mountains, New Mexico

A large flower of the Imbricata Cholla contrasts surprisingly with its spiny branches.

Flowering Mammalaria Neo-mexicana, Organ Mountains, New Mexico

Blossom of Arizona Rainbow Cactus, Tank Mountain, Animus, New Mexico

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The Great Chihuahuan Desert, Part 2

North American Desert Photography - Gallery VII