The Diamond Blenny (Malacoctenus boehlkei )  is nowhere common, but may be found in the Anemones at Little Cayman Island.
Bloody Bay, Little Cayman Island - Depth 25 feet or 8 meters

Reef Fish Portraits - Caribbean Underwater Photography Gallery I

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Reef Fish Portraits

Caribbean Underwater Photography Gallery I


 *  We have encountered the Diamond Blenny (Malacoctenus boehlkei ) only in the waters about the Cayman Islands; always, as pictured above, in association with the Giant Anemone (Condylactis gigantea).  In the above image, the tips of the tentacles are purple. Green and purple are the more common colors for the tentacle tips of the Giant Anemone.

We have noticed that the Giant Anemone, though common in Cayman waters, only seldom hosts a Diamond Blenny.  In the shallow waters about Little Cayman Island, though, we have found a single anemone to host as many as three.  We have never found this little fish in any other type of anemone.  At night, we have found the Diamond Blenny further than a meter from any possible host.

North Wall,  Grand Cayman Island - Depth 65 feet or 20 meters

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