Ramblin' Cameras

Canadian Rockies Photographic Galleries

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Red Baneberries from the rail to Rockbound Lake, Banff National Park.

Berries of the Rough Fruited Fairybell, Edith Pass Trail, Banff National Park.

Low bush cranberries in fall colors, Lakeside Trail, Emerald Lake, Yoho National Park.

Bunchberries in fall colors off the Lakeside Trail at Emerald Lake, Yoho National Park, British Colombia.

 White Baneberry, Rockbound Lake Trail, Banff National Park.

 Closer look at White Baneberry, Trail to Rockbound Lake, Banff National Park.


 Foliage and rose hip from wild rose, Lakeside Trail, Vermilion Lakes, Banff National Park.

Wild rose and snow, Lakeshore Trail, Vermilion Lakes, Banff National Park.

Low Bush Cranberry and Snow, Lakeside Trail, Second Vermilion Lake, Banff National Park.

Snow, ice droplet, and Low Bush Cranberry, Vermilion Lakes, Banff National Park.

Wild rose in autumn foliage, Vermilion Lakes, Banff National Park.

Aspen leaves ans Orange Lichens, Second Vermilion Lake, Banff National Park.

Attractive small mushrooms (Clitocybes ?)  found among the mosses on a bank near the beginning of the Burgess Pass  Trail at the northeast verge of Emerald Lake.  -  Yoho National Park,  British Colombia, Canada

Unidentified mushroom, East Lakeshore Trail, Emerald Lake, Yoho National Park.

Pattern of crystalline ice, Opabin Plateau, Yoho National Park.

Resin and water droplets from lightning-struck tree, Vermillion Lakes, Banff National Park

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Small Touches of Autumn

Canadian Rockies Scenic and Nature Gallery III